
A Collection of Thoughts, Ideas & Photos most entirely done in French ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Un Ensemble de Pensées, Idées et Photos quasi-entièrement en français

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An insomniac in constant motion headed somewhere only my Maker knows.

vendredi, mai 13, 2005

Dave Chappelle: Get Back Quick, TV Sucks!! (UPDATE)

This just in: Thanks to a prompt from my friend Wanjiru [another great fun & well-wisher of Dave's:)], Dave Chappelle actually decided to head to the Motherland to get away from all the pressures & misdirection him & his one of a kind show are being put through. What a relief!! (May 16/05)
And more updates: Kudos to blogfriend Afromusing who just sent in a detailed Time Magazine article with photo of Dave in S. Africa where he talks at length about the on-going speculation. (May/17/05)

Actualisation:Grâce au signal de ma copine Wanjiru [ fan & sympathisante de Dave:)], Dave Chappelle avait décidé de s’en aller en Afrique pour s’échapper à toute préssion & distraction qu’il subit lui & son génie du show. Quel Soulagement!! (16 mai, 05)

Encore d'actuels: Remerciements à mon ami(e) de blog Afromusing, qui vient juste d’envoyer un article Time Magazine, photo de Dave inclus, celui qui explique en details actuelles. (17 mai. 05)
Y a eu jusqu'ici autant de versions que de soucis à propos de ta disparition à la télé -malgré le début de la nouvelle saison sans toi Grand Rigolo. Mais depuis qu'il nous est arrivé cette semaine que tu cherches à resourdre en Afrique du Sud tel que soit des petits problèmes (on l'espère bien) de la santé... nous nous enquétons davantage et ainsi on te souhaite une guérison rapide car: c'est toi qui nous emmènes et nous gardes à Comedy Central. Ton show, ça rigole, ça rigole!!et sans toi, il chie enorménent à la télé!
-Il faut supporter, copain!

There's been as many versions as concerns about your missing out on TV- that despite the beginning of the new season without you Funny Man! But since we got word this week that you're in S. Africa working at sorting out whatever (hopefully) little health problems you may have we're a lot more concerned and as such we wish you a speedy recovery bcoz : it's you that leads us & keeps us at Comedy Central. Your show is damn freaking funny and without you there Tv sucks big time!!
-Gotta keep your head up, homie!


Anonymous Anonyme said...

I feel the same way, though its better if he takes the time to heal so he can come back full swing. I am more concerned about his wellbeing at this point and feel bad that we have kinda added to the pressure he already feels (50million!) Maybe the agreement should have been by episode basis so he doesnt have to worry too much. Creative types have to be nurtured i guess. Thanks for the translation bit it helps us contribute!

mai 13, 2005 2:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Tu as raison, c’est bcp rigolo le show et j’aime les sketchs par Dave et ses compagnons surtout Charlie Murphy (est-il vraiment le frangin de Eddie Murphy?
On espère bien qu’il se guérisse vite:-
C’est chic ton blog Akiey, bcp intéressant et y a de “flow malin”

mai 15, 2005 2:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

I hope dude recovers and comes back even stronger and paul mooney should be in more skits this time.

mai 16, 2005 12:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

@ Marcel, Merci bien copain! Moi je tache à ne jamais manquer le show de Dave. C’est tout à fait formidable quoi!? Ouais, Charlie Murphy, lui et Eddie Murphy sont des frangins (imagine toi la maison quand ils étaient gamins!?).
Je viens d’ajouter une actualisation sur Dave. Il n’est pas malade:)

@ Msanii_XL, I have just put up an update. Nice to note Dave is well & kicking the sh*t out of this life like he’s supposed to:) Yeah can’t wait for his return either. Paul Mooney is a comedic genius & I agree they need to feature him more often. I also hope they give Charlie Murphy more skits this time around. Nice to note you too are a huge fan.

mai 16, 2005 1:49 PM  
Blogger akiey5 said...

@Wanjiru, this got me wondering how the media was going to play this. I admit CNN Headline News don't usually rush to conclusions & they treated this news with care & humility.
$50M? That would make my insomnia worse but hey, I hope Dave gets back to form fast & delivers those knockout, killer skits again:)

mai 19, 2005 5:39 PM  
Blogger WM said...

Moi encore. Est-ce que je peux vous tutoyer? Il faciliterait la vie beaucoup pour moi. Tout en attendant, vous avez raison..le Chappelle Rocks! How do you make your keyboard switch back and forth from English? I keep having either to change languages or to do "special symbols" et ceci me donne un mal de tete. Au secours! Une chose en plus: comment se fait-il que je n'aie pas vu ces postings avant bien qui'ils soient dates en mai? Pour example, celui qui s'agit de films? Un petit peu confusee...

juin 06, 2005 6:12 PM  
Blogger akiey5 said...

WM,Merci milles fois pour ta belle parole et ouiaaas, c'est ok si on se tutoie. Tu as raison, ça facilite beaucoup la vie et apart cela, on est tous amis dans le blogsphère.
je suis bcp ravi que Le Chappelle -I like how you put the definite pronoun before his name puts him in a calibre of his own- va toujours bien et on est ainsi assuré des rires sans cesse:)

Honnêtement, moi je ne change jamais du clavier (Eng>Fr>Eng) sur les blogs. J'écris mes postes sur Word avec accents et tout cela et je fais tout copier sur le blog. ça me fatiguerais changer du clavier car je fais tout un tas de choses a la fois (multi-tasking) sur Internet.

Dis-moi, tu sais comment écrire/taper sur Word sans changer du clavier? Si non, je te donnerai des petits-petis secrets:)

Finalement...ton français, Bon Dieu du Bon Dieu!! c'est chouette mon amie!! Haki ya Mungu tena:)) Tu l'a appris...au lycée, au collège, tu as bien vecu chez les francophones...quoi, dis-moi si ça te dérange pas:)

juin 13, 2005 8:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

I will preface this with I am sorry for what follows. I have been a fan of Chappelle even before his show. His show was absolutly amazing and groundbreaking. Unfortunately Comedy Central hyped it to the point where I can't stand hearing Li'l John quotes. Its played out. Regarding his recent "hiatus", this is my perspective. He got a fat load of cash, celebrity, and status, he had some pressure, but what i really think did him in is that he probably partied like crazy and started to lose his mind. The drugs will do that, his publicist denies it, but we all know Dave to be an avid user. Hopefully he gets his shit together and acts like a man and finishes his contract with Comedy Central. I just hope his next season is original and continues to push the limits.

juillet 28, 2005 2:03 PM  

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